The Power of Being Thankful

The Power of Being Thankful – Week 1 When we pause to acknowledge His blessings it restores us to a state of spiritual peace. This 14 week reading plan will take us through the Thanksgiving holiday. (via YouVersion) The Best Way to Begin in Prayer No matter what we pray for, thanksgiving can always go with…


Majestic Week One I’ve often heard of mountains being described as “majestic”, and by definition, they are. The word majestic is defined as, “having or showing impressive beauty of dignity.” When using the word “majestic”, how much greater is the majesty of our God! The maker of the Heavens and the Earth, the one who…

Devotional: Pray

At the end of every series, the emailed devotionals will be posted. Here’s the past ten weeks.

Nature Worship via BHW

  No matter how many times I hear this, it blesses me each time. This reminds me of the scripture in Luke that says even the rocks will cry out… And Psalm 150:6 says “Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord.” Nature worships! As a part of nature, a piece of creation designed…

Nature Worship via BHW

Check out this amazing recording and tell me what you think! via Nature Worship — Big-Haired Worshipper

Romans Eight

Had to share because in the words of my mother, and I’m quoting her: Romans eight is dope.


Sometimes it’s good to just remind yourself of why you continue on this journey of Christian faith.

Devotional: Five

At the end of every series, the emailed devotionals will be posted. Here’s the past seven weeks.

Be Inspired

I’ve been trying my best to listen to things that inspire originality, creativity, and innovation. Maybe even a dash of hope. I’ve been sending my small group links to the Ted Talks that have inspired me in some way, and I don’t want them to be lost in the email threads. Here’s a list of…


Scriptures to inspire a hopeful heart.

Late-Night Meditation

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings,…