

Week One

I’ve often heard of mountains being described as “majestic”, and by definition, they are. The word majestic is defined as, “having or showing impressive beauty of dignity.” When using the word “majestic”, how much greater is the majesty of our God! The maker of the Heavens and the Earth, the one who stands in Heaven to be worshipped and glorified, that is our God, and He is truly majestic.

The song How Majestic is a proclamation of the majesty of God, inspired by the Psalm of David, where he says, “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.” It’s a cry to be drawn into awe and wonder of the greatness of our God. A God so great and majestic that He created everything good and perfect that we see, sent his only son, Jesus, to earth to pay the price of sin on the cross, and then rose him on the third day to sit at the right hand of the Father in majesty, and glory. That’s how majestic our God is.

Today, let’s take a moment and reflect upon the majesty of our God. Let’s reflect upon Psalm 8, and make it our prayer.


Week Two

Jesus is always enough. That’s a statement that is easy to say with our lips, and at times difficult to embrace with our hearts. I’m reminded of the rich, young man who approached Jesus in Mark 10. (See Mark 10:17-25)

By the world’s standards, this young man had everything he could ever want; wealth, status, power, and had apparently led a morally good life. When presented with the opportunity to talk to Jesus, he asks what one thing he needs to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus responds with what seems to be a pretty bold, even audacious request. Jesus asks him to sell everything he owns, give it to the poor, and come follow him. Selling everything is clearly a difficult request to ask of this young man, and yet, it revealed something telling about the state of the young man’s heart.

You see, it wasn’t that Jesus thought that his wealth or social status was bad or sinful. Jesus was trying to teach us all something far greater than that. Jesus wanted the man to come to a place where Christ was his sole desire and provider. Jesus wanted this young man to come to a place of where Christ filled every single void in his life. Though this man had wealth, Jesus was telling each of us that He offers something so infinitely greater than wealth.

When we have Jesus, we have every spiritual blessing in heaven. These blessings far exceed anything on this earth. If we have Jesus, we have EVERYTHING – but without him – we truly have nothing.


Week Three

There’s nothing I enjoy more than being together with the local church in worship. There’s something so special about the people of God coming together in unity, to lift high the name of Jesus! And though scripture tells us that Jesus is in our midst even when two or three of us gather in his name, there’s just something so awesome when we get to worship alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Psalm 134 invites us to worship God by lifting our hands towards the heavens. When we lift our hands in worship, it’s not so that everyone will see us or to draw attention to ourselves, but it’s actually an outward sign of an inward position of our hearts. When we lift our hands to the heavens, it’s a physical sign of surrender to our God, and an invitation for Him to come and have His way in our lives.

I want to encourage you, to surrender your hearts to God in this moment wherever you are, lift your hands towards the heavens, and invite Him to come have His way in your situation. Whatever you’re going through today, God wants to come in power in your life, and light a fire in your soul.


Week Four

Forever He is glorified, Forever He is lifted high!

Isn’t it cool that when we enter Heaven we will sing songs forever to the Lamb of God? We won’t need to talk about ourselves anymore or be forgiven of our sins – that debt has already been paid. In Heaven, it will be complete worship of the Lord. He redeemed us and brought us to Himself. It is two-fold. Forever is a song for us here on Earth, and it is a picture of Heavenly worship of singing to the Lamb and worshipping God.

It is important to focus on the victory we have over the Enemy. On the Cross, Jesus paid the price for not just our sins being forgiven, but we also have victory because Jesus took the keys to Hell and overcame death. He overcame the Law. He overcame the rules and regulations of religion and made it possible to have a relationship with Him. He is Majestic. He is Mighty. His Name defeats all other names. The Enemy has no power.

The enemy is real and a defense against his desire to destroy us is to cry out the victorious words of songs like “Forever” at the top of our lungs and know that our Redeemer has saved us from death, forever.

No matter where you are in your walk with Jesus, this song is a salvation message that helps us remember that Jesus came to die, defeated death and rose again to set us free. FOREVER. (See Revelation 5:11-13)


Week Five

The Holy Spirit is our comforter, our counselor, the one who convicts, the one who encourages, the third, and for us here on earth, the most tangible member of the trinity. It’s a wonder why we don’t actively desire on a daily basis more of Him! The Holy Spirit is not a force, or a “feeling”, but rather a person, who desires to be active in our lives daily. (See John 14:15-27)

I believe something shifts in our lives when we welcome the Holy Spirit into every situation. We shouldn’t just welcome the Spirit into our church gatherings, but instead we should welcome the Spirt into our thoughts, conversations, workplaces, our lives at home, our marriages, and relationships as well.

This song is an invitation for the Holy Spirit to come and invade every circumstance in our lives, for the presence of the Holy Spirit removes all fear, shame, and slavery. Consider this truth, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM. Freedom from sin, freedom from burdens, freedom from shame, and freedom from chains!

Invite the Holy Spirit into your present circumstance, wherever you are right now. Invite him to flood the atmosphere of your heart, your home, your car, your dorm room, wherever that may be, and watch as things shift!


Week 6

There are times in our lives where it looks like there’s trouble rising on every side. When it feels like God has led us out into this dark place, and left us to figure it out on our own. Though we may feel like that at times, Scripture tells us the exact opposite.

Even in our darkest moments, even in the most painful nights, God is closer than we can imagine. It is in those times of sorrow and pain that God draws close to us, reassuring us that He is walking through this situation with us. In Scripture, David knew what it was like to be in these kinds of dark moments, and yet he clung to the truth that he didn’t need to fear his situation, because God was right there beside him.

The song “I Am Not Alone” is a proclamation of truth over the season you may be walking through, or the situation you may be facing. It is a declaration that God has not abandoned us, and that HE is our strength, HE is our defender, and HE will lead us through the dark moments in life.

(See Psalm 23 & Exodus 14)


Week 7

Sometimes I like to just sit and dwell on the fact that the same God who set the earth into motion, who placed the stars and moon in their places, and created the beauty of the mountains, and the oceans, is active in directing my life path daily! God is not just Lord over the heavens and the earth, but He desires to be Lord over our lives. (See Psalm 24)

I think there are times where it feels like we are waiting on God to show up in an area of our life. Maybe it’s provision in your finances, or perhaps your marriage, family, or job. Whatever it may be, there are times where we’re searching and waiting on God to “show up”. The reality is, He’s Lord over EVERYTHING, and He’s never, not even once, given up his Lordship over all things.

What does that mean for us? We can trust God in all circumstances, even when things look completely out of control. In those moments, we have a choice. We can choose to trust God, or choose to try and navigate those situations on our own strength. I don’t know about you, but I tend to feel like God can do much more in my situation than I can.

Whatever you’re facing today, choose to put your trust in God. He is Lord over all things, including the tough situation you’re facing or likely to face today.

(Study found in YouVersion bible app.)

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