Fear and Anxiety

We need to try our best to memorize scripture as much as possible. Not only is memorizing scripture biblical, but I have found that in times of trouble and times when I personally feel discouraged or filled with and anxiety, it’s because the enemy is trying so desperately to fill my head with lies. When we fill our hearts and minds with truth, there simply is no room for lies. Light and darkness cannot coexist. Am I saying that I never have fears or anxieties? No. I deal with anxiety attacks every now and then, but now I can identify when I’m in a bad place and I can call it what it is. I now know how to handle it. Thank God, I’m not living in constant fear and depression like I was a year ago. Long story short, I was in a constant battle for peace and rest. I would stay up late into the night shaking, unable to calm down enough to sleep. I would get physically sick because I wasn’t getting enough rest and my whole life felt like absolute chaos. The worst part was for such long time, I dealt with it all alone. I was embarrassed. I felt like it was all my fault and that family would be ashamed of me. Now I can acknowledge when I feel depressed, I talk about it, I pray about it and I ask for help from people all around me. But the thing that has kept me from spiraling back down into a dark hole of hopelessness and fear has been binding scripture to my heart.  My room is filled with bible verses painted on canvases, scribbled on index cards, tucked away in books, and everywhere in between. Satan tried so hard to take me down and over and over but through prayer and hard work, I am healthier, stronger and proud of how God uses me despite my flaws. So I would like to encourage all of my friends, my small group and anyone who may stumble upon this – really commit scripture to your heart. If memorization is hard for you, write down your favorite verses and keep them where you can see them often. Find music that quotes scripture in the lyrics and listen to it constantly. Find graphics on the internet and save the pictures to your phone or print them out. Do whatever you can because this is important.

isaiah 41

From my own personal experience, I can honestly say scripture saved my life. When Satan attacks me with feelings of anxiety and weakness, I hold onto Isaiah 40:31, “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” When I feel guilt or shame, I hold onto Romans 8:1-2, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” When I feel depressed and far from God I hold onto Psalm 34. That whole thing is solid, but here’s verses 17-20 which always hit my heart in such a great way: The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles,  but the Lord delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.

phil 4 _ 6

So whatever you’re going through, whatever is going on in your life, take heart. You aren’t alone and even though it may feel hopeless at times, ask for help. Seek godly counsel. Pray without ceasing. Sing praises even in the valley. Never forget that fear is not from God – it’s a lie that the enemy is using as a desperate attempt to come between you and a God who loves you more than is comprehensible. I pray that every person who reads this will cling to the hope of Christ and keep chasing after the Prince of (true and everlasting) Peace.

What scripture do you have memorized? What scriptures do you want to memorize?



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